Tuesday 15 January 2008

Fat Neck, Thin Neck

The centre neck laminate is an inch thick. In the body that's great, but as the neck tapers towards the head, there won't be much of any other wood, losing any advantage that laminating may have had. My plan is to taper this centre plank down in sympathy with the neck taper so that I get more wenge where my left hand is going to be! Keeping a taper constant over 4ft sounds like craftsmanship, so I need to find a way of cheating.

Fortunately I had a few steel box sections loafing about in the garage of the right sort of length so I managed to bolt them together to create a bed for the wood to sit on. The sides were angled and all I had to do then was plane the wood level with the steel box sections on either side.

I made a lot of sawdust! The finished article seemed to have a pretty constant taper - the job's a good'un. The blade in the plane got a bit chipped on the corner as I got down to the steel. I might have to fix that one day.

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